
chapter 16 / --- Beauty

寒い日が続きますが、あと少しで暖かい春がやってきますね。今月のPages of my bookのお題を発表します。毎月1日に新しいwordとinspirationが発表されます。wordはタイトルや、その一部に使用されていればOKです。insprirationは、お題のイメージから受ける色・シチュエーションなど皆さんそれぞれ自由に捉えて下さってOKです。間違い、ということはありません!とにかく自由に、楽しく作品を作って下さいね!


-------------------------- chapter / 16 ---- Beauty -------------


-------------------------- word+inspiration by Naomi -----------------

今月はGuestRahel Menigさんをお迎えしました!American CraftsやCrate Paperで活躍中のRahelさん。1枚の紙の上に広がるRahelさんの世界に、沢山のscrapファンが魅了されています。

Flower washi tape, glitter, silver sequins, fabric scraps, doily edges, baker’s twine and lots of fun youthfulness – yep, that is me! My name’s Rahel Menig and I grew up in beautiful Switzerland, but moved to the even more beautiful United States to marry my very best friend Adrian, back in May 2010. We now live in sunny Gilroy CA, the Garlic Capitol, with our two furry babies, Jynxy the rabbit and Dexter the kitten. 

Scrapbooking has been one of my biggest passions, right next to Photography. I work from home, selling my swissgirlDesigns Clear Stamps on Etsy and having lots of fun working for all kinds of Design Teams ;) My big dream is though to become a Wedding Photographer. I have been educated in photography, but as I had to realize, it is really really hard to get your photography-foot into the door and get any bookings... But I'm not gonna give up too quickly ;)

Thank you so much Rahel!!

------------------------------------ Here's our Beauty ---------




-------------------------------next---your Beauty---

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